9 Simple Steps to Treat Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
This book provides complete information on kidney function, care, rehabilitation and treatment suitable for kidney patients and their families. It also guides readers on how to help keep kidneys healt
This book is designed and dedicated to all people who have much to offer but are just short of chances. May the concepts in this book help you to reach greater heights and to incredibly nail Your DREA
7 Langkah Mudah & Cepat Tulis Ebook
Ramai nak tahu cara tulis, terbit dan pasarkan buku digital (ebook).EBook ini telah membantu ramai penulis yang 'beginner' mahupun penulis buku fizikal serta para pensyarah yang telah ada pengalaman m
Islamic Leadership
Leadership in Islam is about trust. Often, it takes the form of an explicit pledge between leaders and subordinates, who will try his/her best to guide, protect, and treat the subordinates fairly and
Knowledge and Skills of Leadership
Welcome to the Knowledge and Skills of Leadership. This book focuses on discovering your inner self and potential as a leader. Here, this book discusses interpersonal and leadership skills to achieve
Fundamentals of Sports Management is an engaging and accessible introduction to sport management that considers a basic management process; Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling. Drawing link
Lady Made Of Steel: Jiwa Yang Kau Tinggalkan
"Jiwa yang kau tinggalkan, ianya takkan pernah sunyi kerana ada DIA yang terpatri". Sebuah karya motivasi cetusan idea Dr Ayu Adnan ini bakal membuka mata hati kita untuk menerima keresahan dan kehila
Setelah Aku Jatuh Sakit Siri 1
E-Book ‘Setelah Aku Jatuh Sakit’ ini menghimpunkan secebis pengalaman penulis sepanjang proses mencari rawatan terbaik sehinggalah menerima rawatan dialisis secara Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dia
Panduan mudah dan berkesan untuk sesiapa yang baru berjinak-jinak dengan simpanan emas, hasil daripada pengalaman sebenar penulis. Ilmu emas lebih mahal dari emas jadi sangat penting untuk faham asas
Lady Made of Steel (Siri 1)
Ebook ini menceritakan pengalaman penulis sebagai ibu tunggal yang bangkit setelah melalui perjalanan hidup yang berliku. Bagaimana penulis menepis ego dan mengawal emosi, demi memastikan permata hati
The Inside Track : An Inspirational Guide to Conquering Adversity
Prisoner - Or Secret Agent Of Change? What happens when you put a non-criminal and one of the world's top experts in personal growth, into one of the toughest prisons in the UK? In 2017, that's exa